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Menstrual Health Management Program

About the Program

Menstruation, though a normal sign of reproductive health, is marred by socio-cultural and practical challenges that contribute to ill-health, psychological trauma, and violence against women. For many girls, the transition into puberty and menarche marks the beginning of a decline in their participation in school and academic performance.


GGAC's Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) program began as an annual campaign to educate students — both girls and boys — on menstrual hygiene and provide sanitary resources. The success of the campaign led to the development of a year-long program that provides beneficiaries with access to credible MHM information and adequate sanitation facilities at partner schools. Girls also receive sanitary products, including training on how to devise reusable products to reduce the "period tax" levied on low-income households. This program also includes the Red Backpack Club initiative, which provides girls with a platform to channel their thoughts and feelings around sexual and reproductive health creatively through the arts.


The Menstrual Hygiene Management Program is funded in part through the proceeds from the  annual Menstrual Hygiene Awareness Day campaign.

Investing in women is smart economics, and investiong in girls, catching them upstream, is even smarter economics. 

Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, former Finance Minister of Nigeria

Support the Campaign

We're on a mission to end the stigma around menstruation through education. Donate today to support the Menstrual Health Management Program and annual campaign. 

Our Mission

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